Saturday, August 15, 2009

Souvenir from Cambodian Border Camps in 1980s

Below is a beautiful email from Lam Sophan which recalls our memory about our lives in Site 1 and Site 2 camps along the Cambodian-Thai border (1982 - 1989).... Good souvenir!

Thank you Hok for forwarding this email.


> From: huon hok
> Subject: Fw: Hok
> To: "Sakun"
> Cc: "Lam Sophan"
> Date: Wednesday, August 12, 2009, 1:35 PM
> Hi
> Sakun,
> Below is the message from Lam Sophan, the tallest guay
> among 68 students and same in the all students in border.
> Please upload somewhere in the the blog when you have
> time.
> Best Regards,
> Hok

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lourm Sayme
To: huon hok
Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 10:26:23 AM
Subject: Re: Hok

Hi Hok! how are you? My family and I are fine. Talking about our past, I feel very lonely. I remember everyone in our boarding school. I remember I didn't have even flip flop when we were in Site one, and I didn't have any money to buy medicine to treat my wound. I remember everyone's belonging is only a backpack that we prepared for emergency all the time. I remember I was so hungry, so I decide to eat dry Kuy's peel on the way from Site one to Dong Rack Camp, test very sweet. I remember the catastrophe created by war. I remember the frustration for our present and future in that time. However, I sometime feel joyful with the funny actions that we had together. One day, a guay shoud've taken some bread to some places else, but he brought us those by mistake. we shoud've eaten those bread together because we were the only group of children who have never had any special meal beside holiday feast, but we took those bread to gamble on soccer. which group won the game, that group would get them all. Hok!, do you still remember everything is belong to COEER? We didn't care much because they were not belong to us. We played soccer. Even our thins were also belong to COEER." Don't worry, just kick it." Finally, we took school's fence to make our cooking fire. And then we had a meeting with Teacher Ket Som art about EVERYTHING'S BELONG TO COEER issue. Aren't those funny? After we moved to Site two Camp, everyone started becoming difference gradually. Smart student moved up to get education abroad or potentially better future, whereas simple student like me stayed far behind. However, it was our past. Now time for us to move on and have fun with our present and future.

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